Launching The Charter of Change & The Good Foundations Checklist

'Racism and The Church' have launched the 'Charter of Change' and the 'Good Foundations Checklist' - two news resources for churches trying to improve their racial diversity.

Launched on 25th May 2022, these resources aim to support and encourage churches, congregations and communities to continue their work and their delivery of commitments made in the two years after the murder of George Floyd.

The 'Charter of Change' outlines four principles that help those involved in leadership contextualise and review their strategy and work. The Good Foundations Checklist provides ten practical goals that churches can work on at their own pace and in their own context.

"It's been amazing to see the heart of people responding over these last few years. I've had so many conversations with people about the subject of racism. Yet the reality is that there are still lots of challenges both within and outside church communities," said Co-Founder Colse Leung.

"In Bristol, we have a traumatic and complicated history. Christians and Churches can be part of leading the way and creating safer environments for all. They can be beacons that inspire and celebrate diversity."

Whilst' Racism and the Church' started in Bristol the movement is hopeful about the wider possible adoption of the charter and checklist.

"We know there is still much to do and much to deliver on. Our hope as a group is that projects and partnerships like these help ground aspirations into reality. We recognise that everyone is working with different challenges and that those things take time to work out. At the same time, we know that what really makes things happen consistently and cumulatively is a deep commitment to change."

"These resources won't solve everything at all, but perhaps they will help reassure communities with an increasing sense of accountability and transparency. We need both direction and deliverables.'“

”The effects and impacts of prejudice remain in our past and in our presence, but they don't have to be part of our future."

Both the 'Charter of Change' and the 'Good Foundations Checklist' are FREE resources and available to download now.

Colse Leung

I’m a diversity consultant and a design and communications consultant. I help people and organisations develop vision, communicate and deliver cultural change.